Post-Budget Drop-In Advice Sessions

fri01nov09:00fri16:00Post-Budget Drop-In Advice SessionsThe Place To Work, 11 London Street, Faringdon. SN7 7AE09:00 - 16:00 -Education,Family


1 November 2024 09:00 - 16:00


The Place To Work

11 London Street, Faringdon. SN7 7AE

Other Events

Event Details

Worried about how the budget of 30th October might affect you?  There is a lot of concern about things which may be coming up in the Budget on 30th October. To help explain what changes might be announced I am running a series of free events.

On 1st November we will have a drop in surgery at our office in London Street Faringdon (The Place to Meet).

On the following Monday and Tuesday we are holding presentations in Banbury, Witney and Gerrards Cross.

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